N4USA is an amateur radio station set up in the farm office/camp store for use by the owners of Chantilly Farm and visiting amateur
Clement Pierre Louis ham radio J73CPLoperator from Dominica operation N4USA |
The RV and Tent Campgrounds have been set up to be amateur radio friendly with special antennas available for camper use. Hf and VHF loaner radios and antennas are available for Chantilly Farm guest to use in there RV or Tent. Antennas are already in place for campers to use by just attaching there radio to the antenna feed line. Often guest will use the permanent set up in the farm office. We have a wonderful location at 2500 feet elevation in the Blue Ridge Mountains near mile post 150 of the Blue Ridge Parkway. The farm has a nice hill top that is specially good for VHF/UHF operation. A number of visiting hams have used this with excellent results.
The farm office has a permanent ham radio station set up and ready to operate at any time. The station includes hf radio, 500 watt hf amplifier, UHF/VHF radios and antennas ready to operate. The station is also available as a control station for emergency service as an "Emergency Communications Center" should there be a need. Amateur Radio operators are skilled in emergency communications
and the members of the Floyd Amateur Radio Society practice on a weekly basis for emergency operations. Several generators are on site and the N4USA stations can operate without the normal power grid. The antennas used at the office station are a 3 element triband beam at 30 feet for 10/15/20 meter operation, G5RV antenna at 30 feet for 80 thought 10 meters, and several VHF/UHF vertical antennas. The station is heated and air conditioned for comfort all year.
Triband beam antenna at N4USA 30 foot crank up tower. |
Hi gain WiFi antennas providing wide area coverage |
WiFi is available to operators on most any part of the farm. Direct Internet connection is available in the farm office/store where N4USA is located. Cell Phone service from US Cellular and Verizon along with the internet is available for coordination of contacts and communications. A computer and printer are available in the office/store radio N4USA.
Amateur radio operators have many different contest and events they participate in and one is "Worked All Counties in the USA". Chantilly Farm is located in Floyd County is in demand as a county with very few operators in the county. N4USA is a rare station for these county hunters ( about 1500 counties in the USA).
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